Thursday, November 25, 2010

Many thanks!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It requires very little stress in my life but rewards me with lots of great food. It also allows me to slow down and reflect upon what I am thankful for in my life.

When our kids were younger, we started a journal in which we would write down what we were each grateful for. Entries always included family, good health, a delicious turkey dinner, a warm house, good friends, etc., etc.

While I am still thankful for all these things, I have come to realize that I am also appreciative of the small, seemingly inconsequential moments that can make my day.

These include, in no particular order: a short line at the grocery store; someone, anyone else making me dinner; a cold fountain diet coke; my husband unloading the dishwasher; a sunny day; homemade chocolate chips; the smell of freshly cut grass; a warm blanket; a new season of Survivor; jeans that fit; a compliment; a good hair cut; my children's laughter; a quiet house; a friend's advice; a good book; an unbroken seashell; a smile; the sunrise over the ocean, and a sunset over the bay, and so much more!

And so, on this Thanksgiving morning, I wish all a very Happy Thanksgiving. I wish you peace in your life, joy in your heart, a good, hot meal on your table and family and friends to share life's ups and downs with. And for all of those things, and much more, I am thankful.

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